Receipt of goods for businesses

Organise for your company’s goods deliveries to be sent directly to Zebrabox. Our employees on site can accept your goods deliveries and place them in your self-storage unit for you, on request. We will let you know that your delivery has arrived so that you can take care of it whenever suits you best.

Locations offering this service

Our sites in Sant Feliu offer a receipt of goods service for business customers. Receipt of goods is guaranteed during our reception hours: Monday - Friday 09.00-19.00.

Receipt of goods – your options

We offer a range of services. We can simply receive the goods and keep them at reception or immediately place the goods in your Zebrabox, either way you will be informed by SMS and / or email when your deliveries arrive.

Contact us

If you would like more information or are interested in sending your goods deliveries straight to Zebrabox, please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.